NatureCraft Workshops

NatureCraft workshops are all about connecting with nature, creativity and others who love nature too.
They're gentle creative get-togethers for...
- the fun of creating and trying something new (whether you're new to creating or experienced)
- the pleasure of connecting with nature
- enjoying the company of others who love making and nature too (often from across the globe!)
- a little bit of space in your week just for you
... and because many people find that creating and connecting with nature benefits their wellbeing too.
It's eco-friendly creating with online get-togethers for individuals, and options for businesses and organisations too (see below).
For individuals - CLICK HERE for upcoming online sessions and tickets (just sign up for the sessions you want to do).
For businesses and organisations - Whether you run a software company, care home, school or wildlife conservation organisation, NatureCraft sessions provide an opportunity to take part in simple, creative sessions, connect with nature and try something fun and new! It's a time of gentle refreshment away from day to day busyness, great for team building and wellbeing, providing a sociable treat for teams. Online or in-person sessions (in person depending on location). Please get in touch to discuss your requirements

Underpinned by Nature Connectedness research by the University of Derby. The many people find connecting with creativity and nature is good for their wellbeing.

Nature Patterns, made by a software company's team, 2022